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How to Purchase a KernelCare License


KernelCare automatically updates your system’s Linux® kernel without the need for a reboot. cPanel & WHM servers allow you to purchase a license for KernelCare from WHM’s Security Advisor interface (WHM >> Home >> Security Center >> Security Advisor).

  • Before you purchase and install KernelCare, make certain that your system possesses a compatible kernel. To do this, read the KernelCare documentation.
  • To install and run KernelCare, you must disable Secure Boot if you enabled Secure Boot previously.
  • You can only install KernelCare on systems that run one of the following operating systems:
    • CentOS 6, 7 and 8.
    • Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® (RHEL) 6 and 7.
    • CloudLinux™ 6, 7 and 8.
    • AlmaLinux 8.

For the latest information about the operating systems that cPanel, L.L.C. supports, read our Installation Guide documentation.


Hosting providers can configure whether this option sends the purchaser to the provider’s custom URL, an email address, or the cPanel Store. They can also disable the banner for their licensed servers from Manage2’s Update Company Information interface (Manage2 >> Company >> Update Company Information).

Purchase license

Purchase from WHM

Initiate the license purchase process.

On the server for which you wish to purchase a KernelCare license, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to WHM as the root user or as a reseller account with root-level privileges.

  2. Navigate to WHM’s Security Advisor interface (WHM >> Home >> Security Center >> Security Advisor).

  3. In the Upgrade to KernelCare alert, click Get KernelCare for $, where $ represents the monthly price of the KernelCare license. The cPanel Store will appear.


If the KernelCare Security alert does not appear in the list of security alerts, one of the following conditions exists on your server:

  • Your server does not support KernelCare (for example, servers that run Amazon Linux).
  • Your system’s kernel is unsupported.
  • You enabled Secure Boot.
  • Your hosting provider has disabled KernelCare purchases.
  • A KernelCare trial license currently exists on your server.

Log in to the cPanel Store.

If you have already logged in to your cPanel Store account, the system will request access to this account. Verify that the interface displays the correct cPanel Store username and server name, and then click Allow Access. A new interface will appear.


To log in as a different cPanel Store account, click Sign In as a Different User. Then, perform the necessary steps to log in to the desired cPanel Store account.

Verify and complete your purchase.

When you buy a KernelCare license through the WHM interface, the system automatically selects the appropriate license type for your server. It also detects the IPv4 address to license. Currently, you can only purchase monthly licenses through the WHM interface. Verify your license order, accept the legal agreements, enter or select the desired payment information, and then click Pay Now.

  • After the cPanel Store processes your order, a confirmation message will appear. You will receive an invoice email from the cPanel Store. After you successfully purchase a license, the KernelCare License banner will no longer display in the WHM interface.

  • If the cPanel Store experiences problems with your order, an error message will appear. You may receive emails from cPanel Customer Service to help you resolve the issue.


Your server will automatically download and install KernelCare. To verify this, navigate to WHM’s Security Advisor interface (WHM >> Home >> Security Center >> Security Advisor) again and the KernelCare notice will confirm that the installation succeeded.

Purchase from Manage2


Only cPanel Partners may purchase a KernelCare licenses through Manage2.

Log in to Manage2.

Log in to your Manage2 account, and then navigate to the Add License interface (Dashboard >> Licenses >> Add License).

Enter the required license information.

In Manage2’s Add License interface (Dashboard >> Licenses >> Add License), use the available text boxes and menus to specify the server’s IP address, group, license type and term. Then, click Add License. A confirmation message will appear.

Invoice and installation

KernelCare is now ready to install. For instructions on how to install KernelCare, read our How to Install KernelCare documentation.

Purchase from the cPanel Store

Log in to the cPanel Store.

Log in to your cPanel Store account, and then navigate to the Extensions interface (Solutions >> Extensions).

Add KernelCare to your cart.

You must add KernelCare to your cart with selections for your license type and valid IP address. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. Under the KernelCare section, click Add to Cart. The Configure Your Order interface will appear. KernelCare will appear in your cart.

  2. Enter your valid IP address in the Enter IP Address text box. Review and Checkout will turn blue after you configure all items in your cart.

Complete your purchase

To complete your purchase, perform the following steps

  1. Click Review and Checkout.

  2. Enter your credit card information.

    • You can select a previously used credit card in the Pay with existing card menu or enter a new credit card in the Pay with a new card text box.
    • If this is a new cPanel Store account, the system will prompt you to enter your credit card information.

      To buy a monthly license, you must store a credit card on file and set a primary credit card. If you have not set a primary credit card, you can enter the credit card you want to use and select Store Credit Card on File and Set as Primary Credit Card from the cart. cPanel will charge this card every month.

  3. Read and agree to the cPanel & WHM Pricing and Term Agreement.

  4. Click Purchase Now. The Invoice interface will appear.

    • To print this invoice for your records, click Print Page.


After you complete your purchase, you will get a confirmation email. The email will include KernelCare’s installation instructions. Follow the instructions in the email or read our How to Install KernelCare documentation.

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